Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
I invite you to read this book. It is available at UCA´s library.
It is one of the best love stories... but I wonder what love is...
The author of this amazing book was accused of being inmoral and controversial when he published it in 1857 in France. However, the novel Madame Bovary is considered as the second best lingüistic piece ever. It is also considered one of the first novels that initiated the modern narrative.
Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880)
French novelist of the realist school, best-known for MADAME BOVARY (1857), a story of adultery and unhappy love affair of the provincial wife Emma Bovary. As a writer Flaubert was a perfectionist, who did not make a distinction between a beautiful or ugly subject: all was in the style. The idea, he argued, only exists by virtue of its form - its elements included the perfect word, cunningly contrived and verified rhythms, and a genuine architectural structure.
Gustave Flaubert was born in Rouen into a family of doctors. His father, Achille-Cléophas Flaubert, a chief surgeon at the Rouen municipal hospital, made money investing in land. Flaubert's mother, Anne-Justine-Caroline (née Fleuriot), was the daughter of a physician; she became the most important person in the author's life. Anne-Justine-Caroline died in 1872.
Being edited by Marisol
Sunday, September 27, 2009
El TrIbUnaL , The cOuRT
por haberme robado el sueño y mi corazón
el juez es el destino, la victima soy yo.
I came to this court to accuse you
of having stolen the dream and my heart
the judge is the destiny, the victime is me.
L a vida declaró en tu contra
y el destino me alejo de tí.
Life declared against you
and fate led me away from you.
Ahora te necesito, pero nose
en que lugar te encuentras atrapado.
Now i need you, but i do not know
where can i find you.
Mientras tanto sigo sin dormir
y sin poder amar, porque te condenaron,
pero tú nunca me devolviste lo robado.
Meanwhile I´m still not sleeping
and I can not love, because they condemned you,
but you never gave me back what you have stolen.
Ahora quisiera abrir de nuevo el caso,
pero el destino no me lo permite
y la vida sigue declarando en tu contra.
Now I would open the case again,
but the destiny does not let me
and life continue declaring against you.
La unica solución es que te escapes,
me busques y me devuelvas el sueño
y mi corazon.
The only solution is to run away
from your jail, look for me and
and give me back the dream and my heart.
Made and translated by Hada
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Poema 20
Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche.
Escribir, por ejemplo: «La noche está estrellada,
y tiritan, azules, los astros, a lo lejos.»
El viento de la noche gira en el cielo y canta.
Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche.
Yo la quise, y a veces ella también me quiso.
En las noches como ésta la tuve entre mis brazos.
La besé tantas veces bajo el cielo infinito.
Ella me quiso, a veces yo también la quería.
Cómo no haber amado sus grandes ojos fijos.
Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche.
Pensar que no la tengo. Sentir que la he perdido.
Oír la noche inmensa, más inmensa sin ella.
Y el verso cae al alma como al pasto el rocío.
Qué importa que mi amor no pudiera guardarla.
La noche está estrellada y ella no está conmigo.
Eso es todo. A lo lejos alguien canta. A lo lejos.
Mi alma no se contenta con haberla perdido.
Como para acercarla mi mirada la busca.
Mi corazón la busca, y ella no está conmigo.
La misma noche que hace blanquear los mismos árboles.
Nosotros, los de entonces, ya no somos los mismos.
Ya no la quiero, es cierto, pero cuánto la quise.
Mi voz buscaba el viento para tocar su oído.
De otro. Será de otro. Como antes de mis besos.
Su voz, su cuerpo claro. Sus ojos infinitos.
Ya no la quiero, es cierto, pero tal vez la quiero.
Es tan corto el amor, y es tan largo el olvido.
Porque en noches como ésta la tuve entre mis brazos,
Mi alma no se contenta con haberla perdido.
Aunque éste sea el último dolor que ella me causa,
y éstos sean los últimos versos que yo le escribo.
I want to share with you my favorite poem from my favorite
writter Pablo Neruda, i read this poem when i was 14 and since
that time I fell in love with it.
Manlio Argueta, a Salvadorean Writer.
Argueta has stated that his exposure to "poetic sounds" began diring his chilhood and that his fundation in poetry stemmed from his childhood imagination. Argueta began his witing career by the age of 13 as a poet. He cites Pablo Neruda and García Lorca as some of his early poetic influences. Although, he was relatively unknown at the time, Argueta won a national prize for his poetry around 1956, which gained him some recognition among Salvodorean and central american poets. He was exiled to Costa Rica in 1972 because of his writings criticizings the government, He was not able to retun to El Salvador until the 1990s. Argueta currently lives in El Salvador where he holds the position of Director of National Public Library.
Some of Argueta´s works include El valle de las hamacas, Un hombre por la patria, En el costado de la luz, Caperucita en la zona roja (Little red riding hood in the red light distric), Un día en la vida (One day of life), Milagro de la paz ( A place called Milagro de paz). A characteristic of Argueta´s witing style present in the majority of his works is the use of salvadorean spanish vernacular and slang. He considers this a way to express and preserve some of El Salvador`s cultural identity.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I want to share the following idea with you, and try to put in practice everyday with our friends or our family: “I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do and I UNDERSTAND”; I would like to change the Global Situation, but everybody must have responsibility about this problem. What do u think?
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I would be inside you
and know what you think
and feel about me.
If I were a butterfly
I would fly to the place you are.
If I were your girlfriend
I would love you.
But unfortunately
I´m not any of those characters
I´m just a girl who is waiting for you.
Edited by Marisol
Labels: tales and poems
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
God´s love
Your silence.
the silence of the night, the silence of the forest.
I watched the storms that were inside you,
for the lightning of your eyes.
I felt the fire coming from your soul,
because you set my whole self on fire.
To be with you was like living in a daydream,
pieces of my heart were taken when you were gone..
but pieces of your silence remain with me.
Edited by Marisol
Labels: tales and poems
Monday, September 21, 2009
Isabel Allende
HANDS OF WORKERS (Rafael Menéndez)
Libros que se abren y se cierran
Con tantas historias por contar
Que a nadie le interesa leerlas
Aunque se prestan tanto para saludar.
Books opened and closed
with so many stories to tell
nobody is interested to read
eventhough they are so willing to greet.
Selvas, estériles y desiertas,
Cementerios de tantas ilusiones
Sueños que ahora los despiertas
Con tus majestuosas creaciones.
Tropical rainforests, barren and deserted
cemeteries of so much illusion
dreams that now are woken up
with your majestic creations.
Rasgos de los causes de sudor,
Arrugas enhebradas en tu tiempo
Estampas memorables del dolor
“cicatrices” como huellas del sufrimiento.
Traces of sweat flows
wrinkles needled in your time
memorable illustrations of pain
"scars" as paths of suffering.
Manos sórdidas y devaluadas
Cubiertas con un manto de ruego
Seno de las esperanzas albergadas
Esperanzas que ¡tenemos como obreros!
Squalid and unvalued hands
covered by a begging blanket
heart of sheltered hopes
hopes we embrace as workers!
Translated by Marisol
(still being revised)
Labels: tales and poems
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Labels: tales and poems
It´s a review about phrasal verb.
BE ABOUT TO - estar a punto de -I was about to leave the house when my friends arrived.
BE BACK - regresar -I'm working late at the office tonight so I won't be back until 10.
BE OUT OF - quedarse sin - We're out of eggs so we can't make a tortilla.
BE OVER - terminarse - When the football match was over, we went to the pub.
BE UP - estar levantado - "Phil isn't up yet: he's still in bed. Phone again in ten minutes."
BLOW UP - estallar (una bomba) - The bomb blew up killing six people.
BLOW UP - inflar - We blew up at least a hundred balloons for the Christmas party.
BREAK DOWN - averiarse - My car broke down on the way to Motril.
CUT OFF - cortar, desconnectar - When we didn't pay the bill, the electricity was cut off.
CUT UP - cortar en pedazos - We cut up the birthday cake and gave everyone a slice.
DO UP - abrochar, atar - I was five before I knew how to do up my shoelaces.
DO WITH - tener algo que ver con, tener relación con - "What's MS DOS?" "It's got something to do with computers."
DO WITHOUT - pasarse sin, prescindir de - The shops are shut so we'll have to do without sugar.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Docentes competentes y comprometidos.
Los docentes deben tener vocación, paciencia y amor fundamentos que son muy importantes para producir un proceso educativo ameno, eficiente y productivo. Deben sentir plenamente lo que hacen, tienen que estar concientes que su trabajo es educar y formar personas que se convertirán en el recurso humano que una nación necesita. Los profesores deben trabajar para lograr satisfacer las necesidades e intereses de los alumnos que conlleve a producir y fortalecer las habilidades y destrezas de ellos. El docente debe velar porque la persona se forme en una diversidad de temáticas educativas que logren confianza, participación, democracia, respeto y aceptación en los alumnos. No deben ser los mismos modelos para educar. Se debe terminar con los modelos autoritarios que provocan uniformidad, obediencia, silencio y resignación en los alumnos. El gran profesor tiene autonomía, compromiso con su labor, contribuye a proteger y desarrollar valores, como también al desarrollo de la educación en todos los niveles (cognitivo, procedimental y actitudinal). El docente actual debe admitir que lo más importante es el aprendizaje de sus estudiantes, lo que ellos y ellas descubren, lo que hacen, lo que piensan y lo que dicen. Somos modelos para ellos y la coherencia entre el discurso y los actos de uno tienen un efecto positivo en ellos.
Como docentes experimentaremos muchos obstáculos en el camino, que interviene en el desempeño docente como el estado de la infraestructura escolar, la disponibilidad de recursos didácticos, el clima institucional y el nivel socio económico de las familias de las niñas y los niños, pero el sacrificio y la perseverancia al trabajo docente fortalecerán el proceso educativo, además como docentes estamos obligados a enseñar de una manera precisa e integral. La profesión de docente no es vocación para cualquier persona ya que de nosotros dependerá, en gran parte, formar individuos útiles a la sociedad. Debemos ser guías y ejemplo en el proceso de la enseñanza de los alumnos y poner nuestro sello en cada uno de los estudiantes porque el verdadero profesor se le lleva en el corazón a través de los años y se le recuerda con orgullo.
Friday, September 18, 2009
No se me cruzaba por la mente
Pero algo te trajo a mí
Y ahora solo me interesa, tenerte aquí.
No pensaba que por un momento chiquito
Estuviéramos los dos juntitos
Hablando cosas de nuestra vida,
Y entre risas y miradas de tí me enamoraba.
Ahora pienso ¿Cómo sería mi vida?
Si nuestros sentimientos se unieran
En un momento de amor y alegría.
Ya que conmigo no te tengo
Una fantasía fuiste, nada más,
Hoy solo recuerdo lo que sucedió
Y sé que otro momento vendrá.
Xochilth ♥
Labels: tales and poems
ISABEL ALLENDE ... a passionate woman talking about THE BRAVEST WOMEN!!!
Labels: tales and poems
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Esta tarde recorrí
Una vereda seca y lastimada
Tapizada con hojas caídas
De una madre ceiba cansada.
En cuyas ramas marchitas
Se escondía un pájaro colega;
Y vi como rayos de luz las atravesaban
Colgándose como columpios de ellas.
A lo lejos aprecié
Como se pinta un arco iris,
Como se forma una tormenta
Y como el sol se enfuerece y se lo impide.
Al gastar un par de pasos
Formé parte de un baile
Donde a mi acompañante no la pude ver;
Es más, creo que no había nadie.
Pero las ramas me saludaban,
Las hojas y las flores hacían un espiral
Que ascendía hasta las nubes
Como que si para ellas
No existiera un final.
Y aun más adelante
Crucé un mar color verde,
Y al verlo que se peinaba
Despertó en mí la necesidad de verte.
Quise buscarte en lo alto
Y sólo encontré a la tarde herida
En el dormitorio del sol
Cuya luz ya estaba pobre, casi no se veía.
Y ví también como el cielo
Se puso un traje oscuro
Y colgó su vestido azul…
¡Ah! Fue hermoso
Solo me faltaste tú.
Labels: tales and poems
Rafael Ernesto Menéndez was born in Santa Tecla, May 29th 1990. He is the oldest son of Mirna Rocío Menéndez and Julio César Morales Monge.
Rafael studied his primary school at Centro Escolar Católico Alberto Masferrer. Nowadays, he studies his last year of Bachillerato at Instituto Nacional José Damián Villacorta in the evening section.
In 1998, he was given the opportunity to work in carpentry in Santa Tecla.
Two years ago he started working at Mueblería Tecleña, where he still works.
He is a very good poet.
Enjoy and be inspired by this young man.
Gracias por nunca haber firmado
con tus labios mis mejillas
por jamás querer decirme
lo que sentiste al saber que nacía.
Por ser como eres
indiferente a tu realidad,
cobarde con tus sueños
y enemigo de la verdad.
Gracias por no tomarme en cuenta
y ni formar parte de tu vida
por no incluir mi nombre en la lista
de tus cosas preferidas,
por eludir tantas veces aquel niño
que formó parte de tí; sólo quiero que sepas
está pronto a morir.
Gracias por no venir todas esas noches
que con lágrimas te clamé ¡a gritos!,
donde sólo mi cama y frazada
eran mi escondite perfecto;
sabes, sigue empapada;
Y donde mi dolor
se mezclaba con el llanto maternal
que no comprendía por qué nacía;
pero sí comprendí que era real.
Gracias, por haberme dado la dicha
de nunca caer rendido en tus brazos,
por darme la oportunidad de reconstruir ahora
todos mis sueños hechos pedazos.
Así como deseo que algún día
Nazca en tí y en mí
una verdaera relación
para que juntos podamos reír.
Labels: tales and poems
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Hello to all my classmates!!! This is Eduardo Ruiz
Monday, September 14, 2009
Emotional Intelligence
The emotional intelligence can help us in the great variety of good interactions among people, and it also helps us in having a good performance at work, school, family, and some other environments.
Therefore, the key to succeed is in ourselves. If we are optimist and capable of recognizing our problems and facing them, we will have a productive life. We will get confidence, competence and hight standars in communication.
Labels: Comments related to English Grammar and Composition II
Sunday, September 13, 2009
(C.S. Lewis, "Men Without Chests"
The above quote is taken from a brilliant essay by C.S. Lewis (yes,... the same one who wrote the Narnia books!) on the need to cultivate in young people (and adults) sensibility, and sensitivity towards the highest values as the best means to edify the human being, and protect her and him from the base influences in materialist society.
It really is a brilliant piece, and well worth reading for its content, first of all, and secondly because of his masterful command of written English. He is a clear, and well-organized thinker and his ideas are threaded together in an amenable fashion. He analyses the content of a high-school grammar book (actually, in the British system it's not called high-school) and tackles the little side-comments that authors make on the different pieces they have included for analysis, and shows how they make off-hand statements about value judgments, and relativise them to the speaker's own experience, whereas that merely hardens the heart of the reader who may unknowingly agree, and provides no real upliftment or edification. The real edification and strengthening of the soul comes from cultivating values and emotional attachment to them. Truth as an intellectual product is not in itself complete unless it is accompanied by the love of truth.
But I am really not doing this theme justice, as Lews does. I invite you to read and enjoy the essay, follow the link above.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
and the deaths.
I wish I could erase the paths of secrecy, silence and
darkness many of you had to traverse
I wish I could remove the ancient ashes of what you were
to find myself.
I reject the hand of the masters from across the blue sea
covered with the also blue dyed fibers of indigo.
I refuse the color of their skin stealing the pure white of cotton.
In the name of God? Why did you kill behind the Cross?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The Clown
Labels: tales and poems
Is it possible...
Labels: tales and poems
About Macbeth
William Shakespeare
You came to use your tongue. Tell your story quickly.
Monday, September 7, 2009
The strenght of a multiple vortex ,
of a landspout...
of a waterspout...
or the strenght of a gustnado...?
Can you reach the ground and the clouds at the same time?
Tell me...
How far you can go
how much you can do
how much time I should wait
Show me...
Labels: tales and poems
Cause-Effect Essays
do-ho suh
(contemporary korean artist)
‘Cause and effect’, 2007 installation at the gallery Lehmann Maupin, New York.
What is a cause/effect essay?
A cause and effect essay deals with explaining, examining or exposing two events or actions (which could be thought of as topics) and how each has an effect on the other and/or the results of these events or actions. Topics always have a number of possible causes and effects.
Example: Marriage and happiness – When marriage is the cause, most people assume that the effect is happiness. However, what if the marriage was arranged, or was the result of a pregnancy, or done out of pure convenience? Would the cause and effect follow a logical sequence? Or could the cause be happiness and marriage the effect?
Some other examples: drug addiction and crime, weight and television, ethnicity and professional success.
Would you contribute giving some more examples?
Go to this link and enjoy contemporary art at Lehmann Maupin Gallery
Friday, September 4, 2009
ANXIETY (2008)
It destroys the peaceful stream,
It flows producing heat and flames,
Hidden and confused…
It shouts at someone to reject loneliness,
It tells someone else to do the unknown,
It whispers me how desperate my blood is…
It murmurs to my ear how sweet my life could be.
Labels: tales and poems
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Poems: similes, metaphores, sensory details...
Detail of Hieroglyph, a hammered copper sculpture by O. V. Shaffer in the courtyard of the Madison Public Library on West Mifflin Street . The sculpture has been there since the building opened in 1964.
Some traces that hurt…
But it couldn’t heal the open wounds.
Second, it tried again with natural warm drops directly from it´s own eyes.
Impossible to erase the scars!
Thinking man
(Rosewood Hand carved)
- Thinking is developmental. It is an evolving process that grows with maturity and experience. A developmental writing curriculum should start from where the kids are in terms of interests and maturity levels, tap a range of different intellectual strenghths or what Howard Gardner would call "areas of potential" (linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, kinesthetic, etc.), and build bridges from the student´s personal experience to the world of school. Instruction should be challenging enough to stimulate students to stretch intellectually and yet be accessible enought to be attainable with guidance from the teacher.
- Thinking is progressive. As Piaget observed, the mind is better able to make cognitive leaps when learning moves from the concrete to the abstract. Individual thinking/writing tasks should begin by focusing on something tangible and/or concrete. For example, students can observe a seashell and be encouraged to think analogically by creating similes about what the seashell is like. An overall writing curriculum should also move progressively. This might take the form of sequencing the domains of writing from descripitive to narrative to expository, or it might involve moving from known to unknown audiences.
- Thinking is cumulative and recursive. All thinking experiences build upon one another. However, the pathway to more complex thought is not a linear one. Researchers have noted that writing, in particular, is a recursive process. Writers often go back in their thinking in order to move forward with their writing. Therefore, teachers who use a stage process model of composition which moves from prewriting to writing to revising, editing, and so forth should invite students to continually revisit what they have written and to think about their thinking and their writing. So, too, a writing curriculum should be scaffolded in such a way that students must go back to prior learning in order to move forward to the next assignment.
- Thinking is not taught but fostered. Thinking is an innate capacity which can be enhanced through the act of writing . Hilda Taba concludes that "how people think may depend largely on the kinds of 'thinking experience' they have had". The teacher, then, plays a crucial role by providing students with thinking experiences that facilitate cognitive growth. Writing is one the most complex and challenging thinking experiences the teacher can provide.
Source: Writer´s Choice. 1996. McGraw-Hill.
The topic sentence informs the reader what the paragraph will be about. The topic sentence
- is the most general sentence in the paragraph; all the sentences that follow it are less general, more specific.
- states the purpose of the paragraph for the audience.
- is the most important sentence in the paragraph; it acts as an "umbrella" that "covers" all of the ideas in the paragraph.
- contains controling ideas that control the information in the paragraph.
Controlling ideas (sometimes called "key words") are words or phrases that give the main ideas in the paragraph. The sentences that follow the topic sentence will then EXPLAIN, DEFINE, CLARIFY, ILLUSTRATE.
Source: The Process of Composition. Joy M. Reid. 2000. Prentice Hall Regents.